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Academy of Technical and Art Applied Studies

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Electronics and Telecommunications

General information

All students activities are rated according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, ECTS), so that each semester is awarded 30 ECTS credits. The basic applied studies last for three years, that is, six semesters and they award 180 ECTS points. The studies were conducted in the form of class-based teaching (face-to-face) in Serbian. The study program is realized within the field of technical and technological sciences, the field of Electrotechnical and computer engineering.


After completing basic applied studies, a student is appointed a title of engineer of electrical and computer engineering (Bachelor appl.). According to the National Framework of Qualifications of the Republic of Serbia (NFQRS) the completion of basic applied studies is achieved at the sixth level, sub-level one (level 6.1). The condition for acquiring this level is previously achieved level 4 of (NFQRS) and passed general, professional or artistic graduation.

Teaching and exams

Teaching is performed using one-semester courses. Students activities during the semester (pre-examination obligations), such as colloquiums, seminar work and homework, are scored. The ratio of the number of points earned in pre-examination and exams is determined for each subject individually, with pre-examination obligations participating with at least 30 and up to 70 points. The final exams are placed in the School within the appropriate exam terms, which are: January, February, June, September and October. By completing preliminary exams and taking the exam, a student can earn a maximum of 100 points, with a score of at least 51 points for a grade of 6, a score of 61 points for a grade of 7, a score of at least 71 points for a grade of 8, a score of at least 81 points for a grade of 9 and a score of at least 91 points for a grade of 10.

Goals and outcomes

Electronics and Telecommunications study program aims to enable students to build, install, test, operate and design devices, subsystems and systems in the field of electronics and telecommunications. The objectives of Electronics and Telecommunications study program are:
  • to qualify professional personnel in the field of electronics and telecommunications for the purposes of manufacturing enterprises, development, production and maintenance activities;
  • institution of extracurricular activities, in the affairs of selection in the procurement and maintenance of electronic equipment;
  • public enterprises in exploitation and maintenance.

By mastering the study program Electronics and Telecommunications, the student acquires general and subject specific skills:

  • to master basic knowledge in the fields of electronics, information and communication technologies;
  • to develop the ability to understand the system and modern technologies, as well as the ability to apply the developed knowledge in the field of modern electronic and communication systems for the needs of economy and industry;
  • to master basic knowledge in the fields of electronics, information and communication technologies;
  • to master the most current knowledge and skills, to be able to develop creative work and thereby gain a secure basis for successful employment;
  • to be equipped for the realization and maintenance of devices, systems and subsystems in the field of electronics and telecommunications;
  • development of creativity and tendency to team work in the profession;
  • the development of competencies such as the willingness to constantly keep up with the development and application of new technologies in the field of electronics and telecommunications and to participate in the further development of these technologies;
  • gaining the foundation for further training and practical work in the profession.

Continuation of studies

After completing basic applied studies, a student can enrol in specialist applied studies or master applied studies.

Head of the study program

PhD Амела Зековић слика

Амела Зековић, PhD

Office: 205

E-mail: amela.zekovic@viser.edu.rs

Office hours
  • Monday: 10:30-12:30 03.02.
  • Tuesday: 9:00-11:00 11.02.
  • Thursday:  12:00-14:00 06.02., 13.02.

Secretary of the study program

BEng-spec.appl. Ненад Толић

Ненад Толић, BEng-spec.appl.

Office: 203A

E-mail: nenad.tolic@viser.edu.rs

Office hours
  • Tuesday: 11:00 до 13:00
  • Thursday: 12:00 до 14:00
Curriculum accredited in 2024
Course code Course Статус ECTS credits
First year
1st semester
ОА0002 Electrical Engineering compulsory 6
ОА0014 Electrical materials and components compulsory 6
ОА0001 Engineering Mathematics compulsory 6
ОА0012 English compulsory 6
ОА0015 Application software elective 6
ОI0012 Introduction to Cloud Computing elective 6
2nd semester
ОА0018 Electronics compulsory 6
ОV0015 Fundamentals of programming compulsory 6
ОR0023 Smart devices and communications compulsory 6
ОА0017 Fundamentals of electric power engineering elective 6
ОА0019 Fundamentals of informatics and computing elective 6
ОК0023 Selected chapters in mathematics elective 6
ОА0022 Signals and systems elective 6
Total ECTS credits per year 60
Second year
3rd semester
ОА0028 Analogue electronics compulsory 6
ОА0027 Microcomputers compulsory 6
ОR0012 Telecommunications compulsory 6
ОR0014 Circuit analysis elective 6
ОА0023 Control systems elective 6
OI0017 Introduction to Internet technologies elective 6
ОI0034 Projects management elective 6
ОV0041 Television and video systems elective 6
4th semester
ОR0024 compulsory 6
ОА0032 Digital Electronics compulsory 6
OI0029 Internet of Things compulsory 6
ОV0023 Audio electronics elective 6
ОV0026 Broadcasting and signal distribution elective 6
ОR0015 Computer communications elective 6
ОN0024 Functional Programming elective 6
ОR0021 Measurements in electrical engineering elective 6
Total ECTS credits per year 60
Third year
5th semester
ОR0026 Mobile communication systems and services compulsory 6
ОR0008 Professional internship compulsory 4
ОR0017 Special electronic Circuits compulsory 6
ОR0027 Communication systemts applications developement elective 6
ОR0022 Industrial measurements elective 6
ОR0030 Microcontroller systems elective 6
141307 Real-time control elective 6
ОI0026 Web applications programming elective 6
6th semester
ОR0032 Hardware testing compulsory 6
ОR0020 Programmable logic circuits compulsory 6
ОА0042 Telecommunication services and technologies compulsory 6
ОR0031 Undergraduate research paper compulsory 3
ОR0009 Undergraduate thesis compulsory 5
ОR0029 elective 6
ОА0036 Power electronics elective 6
Total ECTS credits per year 60
Curriculum accredited in 2017
Course code Course Статус ECTS credits
First year
1st semester
101007 Electrical Engineering compulsory 7
100307 Engineering Mathematics compulsory 7
101307 Application Software elective 6
110317 Basics of Telecommunications elective 6
101107 Electrical Materials and Components elective 6
101507 English Language elective 4
100117 German Language elective 4
2nd semester
120107 Basics of Electric Power Engineering elective 6
101407 Basics of Informatics and Computing elective 6
110207 Fundamentals of Electronics elective 6
100207 High Mathematics elective 6
130307 Programming Fundamentals elective 6
140217 Signals and Systems elective 6
Total ECTS credits per year 60
Second year
3rd semester
110507 Analog Electronics elective 6
110407 Circuit Analysis elective 6
140207 Control System I elective 6
130507 Microcomputers elective 6
172107 Projects Management elective 6
110707 Telecommunications elective 6
160807 Television Systems and Video Technologies elective 6
4th semester
160507 Audio Electronics elective 6
110907 Digital Electronics elective 6
110211 Digital Transmission Systems elective 6
110117 Internet Communications elective 6
140707 Measurements I elective 6
Total ECTS credits per year 60
Third year
5th semester
СП Student Internship compulsory 4
141007 Measurements II elective 6
111307 Microcontrollers elective 6
111207 Mobile Communications elective 6
111707 Power Electronics elective 6
141307 Real-time control elective 6
111407 Special Electronic Circuits elective 6
6th semester
ЗР Final Work compulsory 8
111607 Biomedical Devices elective 6
161707 Digital Television elective 6
111807 Programmable Logic Circuits elective 6
110411 Telecommunication Services and Technologies elective 6
Total ECTS credits per year 60
Curriculum accredited in 2012
Course code Course Статус ECTS credits
First year
1st semester
101007 Electrical Engineering compulsory 6
100107 Mathematics I compulsory 6
110207 Basics of Electronics I elective 6
130107 Computer Architecture and Organization I elective 6
101107 Electrical Materials and Components elective 6
101507 English Language elective 6
2nd semester
101307 Application Software elective 6
120107 Basics of Electric Power Engineering elective 6
110307 Basics of Electronics II elective 6
130207 Computer Architecture and Organization II elective 6
100207 Mathematics II elective 6
130307 Programming Fundamentals elective 6
Total ECTS credits per year 60
Second year
3rd semester
110507 Analog Electronics elective 6
110407 Circuit Analysis elective 6
140207 Control System I elective 6
110907 Digital Electronics elective 6
130507 Microcomputers elective 6
110707 Telecommunications elective 6
4th semester
160507 Audio Electronics elective 6
110111 Communication Networks elective 6
130407 Digital Signal Processing elective 6
110211 Digital Transmission Systems elective 6
140707 Measurements I elective 6
172107 Projects and Investments Management elective 6
Total ECTS credits per year 60
Third year
5th semester
141007 Measurements II elective 6
111307 Microcontrollers elective 6
111207 Mobile Communications elective 6
111707 Power Electronics elective 6
141307 Real-time control elective 6
111407 Special Electronic Circuits elective 6
6th semester
Final Work compulsory 8
101607 Student Internship compulsory 4
111607 Biomedical Devices elective 6
161707 Digital Television elective 6
111807 Programmable Logic Circuits elective 6
170411 Telecommunication Services and Technologies elective 6
Total ECTS credits per year 60