
Dokument se učitava



Academy of Technical and Art Applied Studies

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

E-Learning Technologies Course code: 150511 | 6 ECTS credits

Basic information
Level of Studies: Undergraduate applied studies
Year of Study: 3
Semester: 6
Requirements: -
Goal: Understanding environments for e-learning, teaching programs and materials, as well as selection of methods and technologies for development and use of e-learning.
Outcome: After successful completion of this module students should be able to administrate e-learning environments, search for different solutions of e-learning in such environments.
Contents of the course
Theoretical instruction:
  1. Introductory lecture (Module organization and content). Basic terms.
  2. E-learning, basic concepts.
  3. Basic e-learning models.
  4. Infrastructure for e-learning
  5. Technologies for e-learning
  6. Medias in e-learning
  7. Choosing e-learning tools
  8. Summary lesson
  9. Teaching materials development
  10. Instruction design
  11. Teaching strategies, Cooperative learning
  12. Organization of e-learning programs
  13. Evaluation of e-learning programs
  14. Summary lesson
  15. Overall discussion. Self-evaluation.
Practical instruction (Problem solving sessions/Lab work/Practical training):
  1. In compliance to the lectures and include: e-learning system administration, design of electronic content and manner of presentation, design and implementation of structure and scenario for e-learning, planning and implementation of e-communication, design and implementation of e-learning evaluation.
Textbooks and References
  1. Ž. Papić, V. Aleksić, Metodika informatike, Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, 2015.
  2. J. Hart, A Practical Guide to the top 100 Tools for Learning, online-book, CLPT, USA, 2013.
  3. T. Anderson, Theory and Practice of Online Learning, online-book, Athabasca University, 2008.
  4. S. Đenić, E-biblioteka sa osnovnom i izbornom literaturom za lekcije, VIŠER 2017.
  5. S. Đenić, A. Miletić, E-laboratorija sa uputstvima za rad na vežbama, VIŠER 2017.
Number of active classes (weekly)
Lectures: 3
Practical classes: 2
Other types of classes: 0
Grading (maximum number of points: 100)
Pre-exam obligations
activities during lectures
activities on practial excersises
seminary work
Final exam
Written exam
Oral exam
Practical exam

