
Документ се учитава



Академија техничко-уметничких струковних студија Београд

Одсек Висока школа електротехнике и рачунарства

Немања Мачек


  • Докторске студије: Универзитет Сингидунум, Факултет за информатику и рачунарство, Напредни системи заштите [2009-2013]
  • Мастер академске студије: Универзитет у Новом Саду, Информатика [2003-2006]



Рођен 1975. године у Зајечару. Дипломирао на Универзитету у Новом Саду 2006. године. Докторску дисертацију одбранио 2013. године на Универзитету Сингидунум у Београду, на студијском програму напредни системи заштите. Тренутно је запослен као виши предавач на Одсеку ВИШЕР у Београду, као редовни професор на Факултету друштвених наука и Факултету за информационе технологије, као консултант за информациону сигурност у компанији SECIT Security Consulting и као члан лабораторије Joint Training Simulation & Analysis Center (BAS). Радио је хонорарно на Факултету за компјутерске науке и Факултету за инжењерски менаџмент. Научно-истраживачки рад обухвата примену машинског учења, препознавања облика и обраде природних језика у информационој сигурности, као и биометријске системе, криптологију и теоријско-информациони приступ развоју заштитних механизама.


Feel free to visit: www.nmacek.info.



  1. N. Vukobrat, N. Maček, S. Adamović, M. Saračević, M. Gnjatović (2023): "Implementation of two factor authentication using face and iris biometrics". In Solutions for the Security of IoT-Based Healthcare Systems, Elsevier, pp. 77-96. [M14]

  2. N. Vukobrat, S. Adamović, N. Maček, M. Saračević, M. Gnjatović (2021): "Cryptanalysis and Security Evaluation Using Artificial Neural Networks", in Integration of WSNs into Internet of Things: A Security Perspective, Series: Internet of Everything’s (IoE): Security and Privacy Paradigm, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA, pp. 65-80. [M14]

Научни рад у међународном часопису

  1. I. Košanin, M. Gnjatović, N. Maček, D. Joksimović (2023): "A Clustering-Based Approach to Detecting Critical Traffic Road Segments in Urban Areas". Axioms, Vol. 12, No. 6, 509. [M21]

  2. M. Gnjatović, N. Maček, M. Saračević, S. Adamović, D. Joksimović, D. Karabašević (2023): “Cognitively Economical Heuristic for Multiple Sequence Alignment under Uncertainties“. Axioms 2023, 12(1), 3. This article belongs to the Section Mathematical Analysis. [M21]

  3. M. Gnjatović, I. Košanin, N. Maček, D. Joksimović (2022): "Clustering of Road Traffic Accidents as a Gestalt Problem". Applied Sciences, Vol. 12, No. 9, 4543. Special issue: Applied Cognitive Sciences. DOI: 10.3390/app12094543. IF = 2,679. [M22]

  4. S. Barzut, M. Milosavljević, S. Adamović, M. Saračević, N. Maček, M. Gnjatović (2021): "A Novel Fingerprint Biometric Cryptosystem Based on Convolutional Neural Networks". Mathematics 2021, 9, 730 (Special Issue Recent Advances in Security, Privacy, and Applied Cryptography). DOI: 10.3390/math9070730. Published: 28 March 2021. IF=2,258. [M21a]

  5. N. Pavlović, M. Šarac, S. Adamović, M. Saračević, K. Ahmad, N. Maček, D. K. Sharma (2021): "An Approach to Adding Simple Interface as Security Gateway Architecture for IoT Device". Multimedia Tools and Applications. Published online: 12. August 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-021-11389-8. IF = 2,757. [M21]

  6. B. Đorđević, V. Timčenko, N. Kraljević, N. Maček (2021): "File System Performance Comparison in Full Hardware Virtualization with ESXi, KVM, Hyper-V and Xen Hypervisors". Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 11-20. Print ISSN: 1582-7445. Online ISSN: 1844-7600. DOI: 10.4316/AECE.2021.01002. [M23]

  7. M. H. Saračević, S. Adamović, N. Maček, S. Aybeyan, S. Pepić (2021): "Source and Channel Models for Secret-key Agreement Based on Catalan Numbers and the Lattice Path Combinatorial Approach". Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 469-482. DOI: 10.6688/JISE.202103_37(2).0012. [M23]

  8. M. Saračević, S. Adamović, V. Miškovic, M. Elhoseny, N. Maček, M. M. Selim, K. Shankar (2020): "Data Encryption for Internet of Things Applications Based on Catalan Objects and Two Combinatorial Structures". IEEE Transactions on Reliability. DOI: 10.1109/TR.2020.3010973. IF = 4,424. [M21]

  9. S. Adamović, V. Miškovic, N. Maček, M. Milosavljević, M. Šarac, M. Saračević, M. Gnjatović (2020): "An Efficient Novel Approach for Iris Recognition Based on Stylometric Features and Machine Learning Techniques". Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 107, pp. 144-157. Available online, February 4, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2020.01.056. IF = 7,187 [M21a]

  10. M. Saračević, S. Adamović, N. Maček, M. Elhoseny, S. Sarhan (2020): "Cryptographic Keys Exchange Model for Smart City Applications". IET Intelligent Transport Systems, Vol. 14, Issue 11, pp. 1456–1464. DOI: 10.1049/iet-its.2019.0855. IF = 2,480. [M22]

  11. M. Gnjatović, N. Maček, S. Adamović (2020): "Putting Humans Back in the Loop: A Study in Human-Machine Cooperative Learning". Acta Polytechnica Hungarica (Special Issue on Digital Transformation Environment for Education in the Space of CogInfoCom), Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 191-210. DOI: 10.12700/APH.17.2.2020.2.11. IF = 1,806. [M22]

  12. N. Maček, S. Adamović, M. Milosavljević, M. Jovanović, M. Gnjatović, B. Trenkić (2019): "Mobile Banking Authentication Based on Cryptographically Secured Iris Biometrics". Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 45-62. DOI: 10.12700/APH.16.1.2019.1.3. IF = 1,219. [M22]

  13. M. Saračević, S. Adamović, V. Miškovic, N. Maček, M. Šarac (2019): "A Novel Approach to Steganography Based on the Properties of Catalan Numbers and Dyck Words". Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 100, pp. 186-197. Available online, May 16, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2019.05.010. IF = 6,125. [M21a]

  14. S. Ž. Savić, M. Gnjatović, D. Stefanović, B. Lalić, N. Maček (2019): "Automatic Domain Modelling for Human-Robot Interaction". Intelligent Service Robotics, Vol. 13, Issue 1, pp. 99-111. DOI: 10.1007/s11370-019-00303-9. [M23]

  15. G. Dimić, D. Rančić, N. Maček, P. Spalević, V. Drasute (2019): "Improving the Prediction Accuracy in Blended Learning Environment using Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique". Information Discovery and Delivery (Special Issue: Enhancement of Teaching and Learning: Applications in Learning Analytics and Educational Data Mining), Vol. 47, No. 2, pp. 76-83. Emerald Publishing Limited. DOI: 10.1108/IDD-08-2018-0036.  [M23]

  16. B. Predić, G. Dimić, D. Rančić, P. Štrbac, N. Maček, P. Spalević (2018): "Improving Final Grade Prediction Accuracy in Blended Learning Environment Using Voting Ensembles". Compter Applications in Engineering Education, Vol 6, Issue 6, pp. 2294-2306, Wiley Periodicals, Inc. DOI: 10.1002/cae.22042. IF = 1,435. [M22]

  17. G. Dimić, B. Predić, D. Rančić, V. Petrović, N. Maček, P. Spalević (2018): "Association Analysis of Moodle e-Tests in Blended Learning Educational Environment". Computer Applications in Engineering Education, Vol 26, Issue 3, pp. 417-430. Wiley Periodicals, Inc. DOI: 10.1002/cae.21894. IF = 1,435. [M22]

  18. K. Lalović, N. Maček, M. Milosavljević, M. Veinović, I. Franc, J. Lalović, I. Tot (2016): "Biometric Verification of Maternity and Identity Switch Prevention in Maternity Wards". Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 65-81. ISSN 1785-8860. DOI: 10.12700/APH.12.8.2015.8.3. [M23]

  19. N. Maček, B. Đorđević, J. Gavrilović, K. Lalović (2015): "An Approach to Robust Biometric Key Generation System Design". Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, Vol. 12, No. 8, pp. 43-60. ISSN 1785-8860. DOI: 10.12700/APH.12.8.2015.8.3. [M23]

  20. B. Đorđević, N. Maček, V. Timčenko (2015): "Performance Issues in Cloud Computing: KVM Hypervisor’s Cache Modes Evaluation". Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 147-165. ISSN 1785-8860. DOI: 10.12700/APH.12.4.2015.4.9. [M23]

  21.  N. Maček, B. Đorđević, V. Timčenko, M. Bojović, M. Milosavljević (2014): "Improving Intrusion Detection with Adaptive Support Vector Machines". Elektronika ir elektrotechnika, Vol. 20, No. 7, pp. 57-60. ISSN 1392-1215 (Print) 2029-5731 (Online). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5755/j01.eee.20.7.8025. [M23]

  22. N. Maček, M. Milosavljević (2014): "Reducing U2R and R2L Category False Negative Rates with Support Vector Machines". Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 175-188. ISSN 1451-4869. DOI: 10.2298/SJEE131007015M. [M24]

Научни рад на међународној конференцији

  1. M. Gnjatović, D. Sivčević, N. Maček, D. Joksimović, V. Nikolić, A. Miljković (2021): "Lemmatization as a Cognitive Decision Task: Similarity-Based Lemmatization of Serbian with a Minimal Vocabulary". In Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom), pp. 49-52. Online on MaxWhere 3D Web. ISBN 978-1-6654-2494-3. [M33]

  2. M. Gnjatović, V. Nikolić, D. Joksimović, D. Vidojević, N. Maček, Z. Minchev, M. Bogdanoski (2021): "Yet Another Classification: An Overview of COVID-19-Related Research in the Field of Natural Language Processing". In Proceedings of the First International Scientific Conference Covid-19 and Challenges of the Business World, Belgrade, pp. 97-106. ISBN 978-86-6461-046-9. [M33]

  3. M. Gnjatović, N. Maček (2020): "An Entropy Minimization Approach to Dialogue Segmentation". In Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom), pp. 27-32. September 23-25, 2020. Online on MaxWhere 3D Web. [M33]

  4. M. Gnjatović, V. Nikolić, D. Joksimović, N. Maček, N. Budimirović (2020): "An approach to human activity clustering using inertial measurement data". In Proceedings of the Archibald Reiss Days 2020, pp 547-556. [M33]

  5. M. Gnjatović, N. Maček, S. Adamović (2019): "A Non-Connectionist Two-Stage Approach to Digit Recognition in the Presence of Noise". In Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom), Naples, Italy, pp. 15-20. DOI: 10.1109/CogInfoCom47531.2019.9089923.  [M33]

  6. M. Gnjatović, J. Tasevski, B. Borovac, N. Maček (2018): "An Entropy-Based Approach to Automatic Detection of Critical Changes in Human-Machine Interaction". In Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom), Budapest, Hungary, pp. 175-178. [M33]

  7. P. Barca, B. Vujanić, N. Maček (2018): "Monitoring and Predicting Linux Server Performance With Linear Regression". In Sinteza 2018 International Scientific Conference on Information Technology and Data Related Research, Belgrade, Singidunum University, Serbia, 2018, pp. 68-73. DOI:10.15308/Sinteza-2018-68-73. [M33]

  8. N. Maček, I. Franc, M. Gnjatović, B. Trenkić, Z. Minchev, A. Aleksić (2018): "Security Evaluation of Cancelable Biometrics". In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Business Information Security (BISEC 2018), Metropolitan University, Belgrade, October 2018, pp. 52-55. [M34]

  9. N. Maček, I. Franc, M. Gnjatović, B. Trenkić, M. Bogdanoski, A. Aleksić (2018): "Can Support Vectors Detect Exploits?" In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Business Information Security (BISEC 2018), Metropolitan University, Belgrade, October 2018, pp. 31-34. [M34]

  10. N. Maček, I. Franc, M. Gnjatović, B. Trenkić, M. Bogdanoski, A. Aleksić (2018): "Biometric Cryptosystems – Approaches to Biometric Key-binding and Key-generation". In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Business Information Security (BISEC 2018), Metropolitan University, Belgrade, October 2018, pp. 16-19. [M34]

  11. N. Maček, M. Milosavljević, I. Franc, Z. Minchev, M. Gnjatović, B. Trenkić (2017): "Secure Mobile Banking Biometric Authentication". In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Business Information Security (BISEC2017), Metropolitan University, Belgrade, October 18th, 2017, pp. 41-43. [M34]

  12. M. Gnjatović, N. Maček, Z. Minchev (2017): "Methodological Pitfalls of Automatic Speech Recognition". In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Business Information Security (BISEC2017), Metropolitan University, Belgrade, October 18th, 2017, pp. 54-57. [M34]

  13. N. Maček, M. Milosavljević, I. Franc, M. Bogdanoski, M. Gnjatović, B. Trenkić (2017): "Secure Modular Authentication Systems Based on Conventional XOR Biometrics". In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Business Information Security (BISEC2017), Metropolitan University, Belgrade, October 18th, 2017, pp. 27-32. [M33]

  14. S. Savić, M. Gnjatović, D. Mišković, J. Tasevski, N. Maček (2017): "Cognitively-Inspired Symbolic Framework for Knowledge Representation". In Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom 2017), Debrecen, Hungary, September 11-14, 2017, pp. 315-320. [M33]

  15. M. Gnjatović, D. Mišković, S. Savić, B. Borovac, N. Maček, B. Trenkić (2017): "A Novel Modular Architecture for Conversational Robotic Agents". In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering IcETRAN 2017, Kladovo, Serbia, June 5-8, 2017, pp. ROI2.4.1-4. [M33]

  16. B. Vujanić, N. Maček, S. Adamović (2017): "An Implementation of Ransomware Malicious Software in Python". In Sinteza 2017 - International Scientific Conference on Information Technology and Data Related Research, Belgrade, Singidunum University, Serbia, 2017, pp. 19-24. doi: 10.15308/Sinteza-2017-19-24. [M33]

  17. N. D. Maček, I. Franc, M. Bogdanoski, A. Mirković (2016): "Multimodal Biometric Authentication in IoT: Single Camera Case Study". In Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Business Information Security (BISEC2016), Metropolitan University, Belgrade, October 15th, 2016, pp. 33-37. [M33]

  18. I. Franc, N. D. Maček, M. Bogdanoski, A. Mirković, D. Đokić (2016): "Detecting Malicious Anomalies in IoT: Ensemble Learners and Incomplete Datasets". In Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Business Information Security (BISEC2016), Metropolitan University, Belgrade, October 15th, 2016, pp. 44-49. [M33]

  19. N. D. Maček, P. Štrbac, D. Čoko, I. Franc, M. Bogdanoski (2016): "Android Forensic and Anti-Forensic Technicques – a Survey". In Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Business Information Security (BISEC2016), Metropolitan University, Belgrade, October 15th, 2016, pp. 82-87. [M33]

  20. D. Đokić, M. Jovanović, S. Popović, R. Šendelj, N. D. Maček (2016): "Raising Awareness of the Need for Safety of Information in Big Business Systems". In Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Business Information Security (BISEC2016), Metropolitan University, Belgrade, October 15th, 2016, pp. 88-93. [M33]

Научни рад у домаћем часопису

  1. S. Ž. Ilić, M. J. Gnjatović, B. M. Popović, N. D. Maček (2022): "A Pilot Comparative Analysis of the Cuckoo and Drakvuf Sandboxes: an end-user Perspective". Vojnotehnički glasnik / Military Technical Courier. Vol. 70, No. 2, pp. 372-392. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5937/vojtehg70-36196. [M52]

  2. D. Perić, N. Maček, M. Bogdanoski (2022): "Application of Convolutional Neural Networks to Spoken Words Evaluation Based on Lip Movements Without Accompanying Sound Signal". Journal Computer and Forensic Sciences. Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 7-16. [M54]

  3. S. Štrbac-Savić, M. Tomašević, N. Maček, Z. Minchev (2022): "Comparative Performance Analysis of Suboptimal Binary Trees". Journal Computer and Forensic Sciences. Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 29-45. [M54]

  4. B. Đorđević, V. Timčenko, N. Maček, M. Bogdanoski (2022): "Performance Modeling of File System Pairs in Hypervisor-Based Virtual Environment Applied on KVM Hypervisor Case Study". Journal Computer and Forensic Sciences. Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 55-76. [M54]


  1. N. Maček (2015): "Detekcija upada mašinskim učenjem / Machine Learning in Intrusion Detection". Dvojezična monografija. Zadužbina Andrejević. 

  2. D. Pleskonjić, N. Maček, B. Đorđević, M. Carić (2007): "Sigurnost računarskih sistema i mreža". Mikro knjiga, Beograd.

  3. B. Đorđević, D. Pleskonjić, N. Maček (2005): "Operativni sistemi: teorija, praksa i rešeni zadaci". Mikro knjiga, Beograd.

др Немања Мачек слика

др Немања Мачек

Kабинет: 501

Eлектронска пошта: nemanja.macek@viser.edu.rs

  • Среда: 13 - 15
  • Четвртак: 15 - 17
© 2024 Одсек Висока школа електротехнике и рачунарства, Београд
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Радно време: Понедељак - Петак 09:00-17:00